Monday, February 1, 2010

Jobs, spending cuts and war top 2011 Obama budget

President Barack Obama on Monday dispatched a $3.8 1E+12 budget request to Congress that would narrowing the federal deficit by curbing 120 federal programs but set divagation $100 billion to tackle unemployment.

The budget plan, which would verify effect when fiscal assemblage 2011 begins on October 1, projects a record fiscal deficit of $1.56 1E+12 this assemblage but predicts the flushed ink module subside to $1.27 1E+12 in 2011 and half that in 2012.

Following is a glance at top items in the White House request, which lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate module today examine as they impact to amend a budget resolution for spending.


* The spending plan reflects the perils of Obama's climate change and healthcare reform initiatives, two domestic priorities that have run into roadblocks in Congress.

The request drops $646 billion in projected revenue from a cap-and-trade climate bill, signaling doubts about the measure's future, and targets smaller efforts to improve the healthcare system such as more use of generic medicines and boosting electronic medical records.


* With the U.S. unemployment rate at a near-record 10 percent, the White House budget's biggest job-creation item is $33 million in tax cuts for small businesses that expand their payrolls.

* The plan also classifies a $6 billion investment in clean energy as a jobs initiative and sets aside $4 billion to create a National Infrastructure Innovation and Finance Fund to finance regional and national projects.

* Also classified as jobs-creation spending is more than $7 billion for education programs that provide scholarships and support teacher recruitment as well as elementary and secondary school curriculums.


* The spending plan aims to cut the fiscal deficit by $1.2 trillion over 10 years.

* The biggest deficit-cutting item is $678 billion in taxes over the coming decade as tax cuts for Americans earning over $250,000 a year are allowed to expire. The tax cuts were granted under Republican George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003.

* $90 billion would come from imposing a fee on Wall Street firms to recoup money from the government's financial bailout.

* Savings of $250 billion would come from a three-year spending freeze on non-security domestic spending, and $23 billion in 2011 savings would come from cut to 120 programs including elimination of NASA's program to return to the moon.


* The White House seeks about $200 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as U.S. military operations in other foreign theaters including Pakistan and Yemen.

That includes a $159.3 billion budget request for ongoing operations in 2011 and a $33 billion supplemental request for this year to cover the cost of sending 33,000 extra U.S. troops to Afghanistan. Obama also wants $8.8 billion for the families of soldiers forced to cope with repeated overseas deployments.

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